The first application categories (financial application) listed in the whitepaper of Ethereum are well implemented and practiced. But the second category (semi-financial applications) are still in progress. Some solutions are presented and implemented but we are still missing self-enforcing bounties innovations for solutions to intensive computational problems. Metaverse and AI are such intensive computational problems which could and should be self-enforcing bounties.
Ethereum's smart contracts are designed primarily for financial applications, which is why they must adhere to strict EVM execution. While this simple execution environment, represented by agents (smart contracts), is Turing complete, it falls short in addressing computationally intensive tasks. Smart contracts can help establish self-enforcing incentive mechanisms to tackle these challenges. However, relying solely on smart contracts as agents is insufficient. Hence, we have introduced a new class of computationally intensive Autonomous Agents, such as 3D Agents and AI Agents.
To cater to computationally intensive applications, solutions have been proposed beyond the expensive smart contract validation. Technologies like off-chain virtual machine execution with on-chain arbitration, known as Layer 2 (L2) technology, have been introduced. Nevertheless, these technologies still fall short of meeting the real-time 3D computing demands of the metaverse. Calculations within 3D Pipelines, such as translations, rotations, Euler transformations, and rendering, are challenging to define using off-chain virtual machine instructions like memory and registers. Similar issues exist in AI training and inference computations. Inspired by the Agatha project's graph-based Pinpoint protocol, we have combined the characteristics of 3D computing to propose a 3D pipeline-based Pinpoint protocol for trustworthy 3D computation. Later, we will demonstrate that these two protocols are equivalent algorithms. AIGC and 3D computing are the primary computational drivers of the metaverse. Until now, they lacked viable decentralized trust mechanisms. Through our innovation, we have achieved decentralized trustworthy computation foundations for computation intensive applications (such as 3D rendering and AI).